We must love God  for who He is, not what He can do.

Can He heal? Yes!

Can He deliver? Yes!

Can He restore your marriage? Yes!

Can He make a way out of no way? Of course!

But, those aren’t the only reasons we should come to Jesus, or tell people to come to Him. Who wants to be in relationship with someone only because of what you can do for them? We need to make sure that our prayers aren’t only about us, but that we consistently intercede for others.

We even need to be careful of how we teach giving, and why we give. I hear so many people say, “give so you can be blessed”. If that’s your only reason for giving, then that’s giving selfishly. We need to give so we can be a blessing, to fund Kingdom work, and out of obedience, not just so we can be blessed. We must also make sure we aren’t serving God only for personal glory because when we do we already have our reward (Matthew 6:2).

In John 6, the multitude followed Jesus after He fed over 5000, He told them that they followed Him not because of the signs they saw, but because they were filled with food. Jesus told them don’t labor for what is temporary, for what’s eternal. Read this entire powerful chapter (John 6) for context.

When people come to church, pray, serve God or give for what’s temporary, or carnal reasons, one of three things can happen…

God moves on their behalf and they leave…

God doesn’t move fast enough, and they leave…

…or we church people just run them away.

We must come to God and encourage people to come to God for SALVATION and for a real RELATIONSHIP with Him. And, must we must examine ourselves daily to make sure we are in relationship with God because we love Him…that we aren’t just USING Him for what we can get out of Him.



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  1. G’day Aldtric, I hope your well dude.

    I liked it when you posed the question “Who wants to be in relationship with someone only because of what you can do for them?” -A great question that we all need to ask when it comes to how we approach god. That and when you said that “we must examine ourselves daily to check we are not using him”. It’s easy fall into these traps.

    Thanks for sharing

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Got a question do you have a reference Bible because I went to Revelation 7 were it take about the 144,000 it referenced Revelation 9:4 and Daniel 7:2 what does Daniel 7:2 have to do with the 144,000?


      2. got a Bible Prophecy question you know the peace deal President Trump wants is that not something the Antichrist could enforce as Daniel said and would that not mean the Pre Trib Rapture is getting closer or am I wrong?

        Liked by 1 person

      3. The way his Christuan supporters blindly support him even when he is clearly being unholy. The way they claim he is making the economy better. His unprecedented levels of arrogance and pride. His ability to supposedly secure peace with our enemies


      4. Yes I agree I never jumped on the Trump train. Last week President Trmp used the words peace and stability in his address to the UN or something like that. My hope in in Jesus Christ not President Trump or anyone else agree?

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Here’s a great intercessory prayer that Jesus taught His disciples:

    OUR Father who art in Heaven….Give US this day our daily bread…Forgive US OUR debts even as WE forgive OUR debtors. Lead US not into temptations but deliver US from evil.

    Its called The Lord’s Prayer for hallowed be THY name, THY kingdom come, THY will be done… and because it is prayed for HIS Kingdom, by HIS power and for HIS glory, amen! \o/

    Intercessory prayer is not just for others’ sake but for our Beloved’s sake, too. \o/

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